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Chinese translation for "income taxes payable"


Related Translations:
welfare payable:  应付福利费
income distribution:  利润分配入息分配;收入分配;收益分配收益分配, 收入分配
real income:  实际收入实际收益实际所得
income return:  年收益率所得额申报表
meter income:  收费表收入
unappropriated income:  未支配收益
income criteria:  入息准则
discount income:  贴现收入
income principle:  收益原则
income spectrum:  入息组别
Example Sentences:
1.Company income tax payable calculation
2.Local income tax payable calculation
3.Company income tax payable
4.Personal income tax payable
5.Local income tax payable
6.Corporations pay income tax and must account for the income tax expense and income tax payable
7.Whereas the amount of regular income tax is less than the amount of basic tax , the amount of income tax payable shall also include the balance of the amount of basic tax and regular income tax , in addition to the amount as calculated in accordance with the income tax act and other relevant laws
Similar Words:
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